Where, When;
Addis Abeba; 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001
Pictures is mostly from
far north
the video below is from a
trip Mekele-Axum, 550 km /16 hours.

North Ethiopia
Scenic landscape
Close to Eritrea
City of Mekele
The old Fiats still dominated the truck transport today
Hotel Mekele
In the country who invented coffee; they mix coffee and tea...
What the vikings drank; mjöd=fermented honey.
Speciality of Ethiopia; the coffee procedure.
The best coffee
There also other things to drink at coffee procedures.
Most of Ethiopia is a mountaineous high altitude plateau.
But fuel is not to take for granted in Africa...
Unlike camels, cows have a bad road sense!!
Some even hooked trailers behind the old Fiat's
Axum, with some 50m high, 4000 year old stones
Addis from air
Some scaffolding!